

Songs Now you find two song lyric of your favorite songs!       Answer the following questions!                1. What is the title of those songs?                2. Who is the singer?                3. Write the parts of the song lyric as the above example!                4. Why do you like those songs?                5. What do the songs tell about?                6. What kind of are they?                               Answer! 1. a. So am I     b. Why do I 2. a. Ava Max     b. Unknown Brain (feat. Bri Tolani) 3. a.  So am I Do you ever feel like a misfit? Everything inside you is dark and twisted Oh, but it's okay to be different 'Cause baby, so am I (So am I, so am I, so am I-I-I-I-I) Can you hear the whispers all across the room? You feel her eyes all over you like cheap perfume You're beautiful, but misunderstood So why you tryna be just like the neighborhood? I can see it, I know what you're feelin' So let me tell you 'bout my litt

dampak covid 19 terhadap perekonomian

Dampak covid 19 terhadap perekonomian Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) telah menetapkan status keadaan darurat Covid-19 sampai 29 Mei 2020.Pada sisi lain dalam forum KTT Luar Biasa G-20 secara virtual, Presiden Joko Widodo mengajak pemimpin G-20 untuk berperang melawan Covid-19 yang telah melanda ratusan negara serta pelemahan ekonomi akibat pandemi global ini.            Tidak terlepas dari kecanggihan teknologi dan juga komunikasi,banyak penyebaran berita tentang covid 19 ini dan juga dampaknya membuat masyarakat menjadi sangat panik dan takut akan virus ini.Kepanikan tersebut salah satunya mengakibatkan ketimpangan dari sisi keseimbangan permintaan dan penawaran. (        Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang terinfeksi pandemi Covid-19, pada 26 Maret 2020 tercatat 893 orang positif virus Corona. Diantaranya, 35 orang sembuh, 780 orang di rawat, dan 78 orang meninggal.Salah satu penyebab dari

my learning experience at home

my learning experience at home.   Because of the corona virus, my school dismissed all students. so I have to study online at home. I received assignments from the teacher through online. I receive assignments from each subject teacher every day and make my work a lot and pile up every day. I feel reluctant to study at home because it makes me dizzy thinking about the tasks every day without rest and even on holidays I do the work, even though the day for the holidays is not to do the work. some of my subject teachers gave assignments that were not on schedule with these subjects. so that made me and my friends object and finally we complained to our class group. I feel better to study at school rather than study at home, because I do not get pocket money at home. I hope this holiday will not be extended anymore because I am bored at home all the time. I hope the Corona virus will disappear soon and I can study at school as before.

reccount text ( museum mpu purwa)


narrative text ( the legend of banyuwangi)
